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Luderitz Sport Shooting Club

Aus - Lüderitz - Namibia

Diligentia    Vis    Celeritas
Accuracy    Power    Speed

The aims at LSSC are the practice, promotion and instruction of various sport shooting disciplines in southern Namibia such as:

* Clay Target Shooting

* Practical Shooting - IPSC

* Precision Rifle Shooting (PRS)

* Metallic Silhouette Shooting

* Hunting Rifle Shooting - Veldskiet

We aim to facilitate the learning and practice of these sports in guided and assisted ways as required.

The goal is to develop suitable shooting ranges in Luderitz and Aus where we can train, practice and hold competitive events, bringing like-minded people together to enjoy the fun and discipline these sports bring.

The development and growth of these sports locally should bring members of the local communities to participate in Namibian National events as well as potentially World- and Olympic events in the future.