Links to related Sites

Practiscore - LSSC

Windguru (LDZ)
Windy (LDZ/Aus)
Kobus Botha Namibia

links to follow soon

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Advertising Opportunity

If you would like to advertise on this site, please contact us:


Luderitz Sport Shooting Club

Membership Application or Renewal Process

Download our membership application and follow the process below:

Download Membership Form

1) Complete and sign the membership form and email a scanned PDF to
2) Within a day or three you will receive a reply email specifying the amount to be paid in - this will be the current new membership application fee plus the current annual membership fee as applicaple at the time of the application.
3) Make your application payment as described per the above email and email us the proof of payment.
4) The executive committee reviews all new applications and renewals on a monthly basis. Your application will be reviewed at the next meeting and you will be notified accordingly.

We do try and respond / approve all applications as quickly as possible, but please understand that sometimes this does take a bit of time.